Telif Bildirimi ve Kitap Kaldırma İstekleri İçin
Adventures of the Animals

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Nursel Sokolowsky Yayınevi: Kitap Dostu Yayınları

Adventures of the Animals

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    Adventures of Animals is a guide for children. Children will learn friendship, benevolence, generosity, and kindness thanks to animals. The unique stories in this book will help children to go on a journey to the unique world of animals while at the same time to help them to improve their cognitive development. Each animal gives the children lessons in different ways and ensures that your unique children learn beautiful feelings from each animal story. Thanks to these cute animals we can learn about family love, friendship ties, winning victories, working hard for our aims and the importance of helping. In every story where different animals are involved, different themes are handled, and all of them contain valuable life lessons for children.
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    Adventures of the AnimalsPDF6.23 MB İndir
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    Adventures of the AnimalsMOBI5.49 MB İndir
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    Adventures of the AnimalsRAR4.76 MB İndir
    Adventures of the AnimalsZIP4.39 MB İndir


    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
    Adventures of the AnimalsPDF6.23 MB İndir

    Sponsorlu Kitaplar: Tamamı Ücretsiz 10 Kitap

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    Sadece Allah'a Bırak - 2PDF5.50 MB İndir
    Sadece Allah'a Bırak - 3PDF5.80 MB İndir
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