Telif Bildirimi ve Kitap Kaldırma İstekleri İçin
Collins Dictionary of Marketing

Kategori: Başvuru Kitapları Yazar: Charles Doyle Yayınevi: Collıns Classıc

Collins Dictionary of Marketing

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    Marketing is now all-pervasive, with marketing techniques now being applied to virtually all human activities, from charity work to major industries and the strange world of celebrity creation. From 'global marketing' to 'relationship marketing', from 'b2b marketing' to '1 to 1 marketing', from 'viral marketing' to 'ideas marketing', the Collins Dictionary of Marketing is the ideal guide to this all-pervasive subject.Brand - a brand is a combination of attributes that give a company or organisation a distinctive identity and value relative to its competitors, its stakeholders and its customers.The attributes that make a brand are both tangible (for example, a name, a visual logo or trademark, services, people) and intangible (such as personality, reputation, mental associations, a promise, an expectation or set of values) which, together, create a memorable and relevant BRAND IMAGE in the eye and mind of the beholder. A strong brand is often seen to enable either customer loyalty or to permit premium pricing of goods and services and to increase the value of companies.Covers all of marketing, from the classic terms and techniques to the impact of such forces as globalization and the internetUp-to-date internet links help you explore the subject furtherExtended features on key student topics
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    Collins Dictionary of MarketingPDF6.23 MB İndir

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