Telif Bildirimi ve Kitap Kaldırma İstekleri İçin

Kategori: Edebiyat Yazar: Ali Eryılmaz Yayınevi: Ateş Yayınları


    Tanıtım Bülteni
    While plowing in the field, they will sweat for me. They will tell me all the kind words. Have fun for me and feast for me.” While Enheduanna stared at Inanna's nose, neat and balanced with the face, her fire-red plump lips, her yellow spike colored wavy hair, and her unique eyes were like a window open to the universe in astonishment, Inanna pushed Enheduanna over her breasts, holding both hands together. Enheduanna was almost about to pass over;  in her palms, she is feeling softness and passion of goddess breath, feeling her warmth and her pure form which is a symbol of the wealth and fertility, while the seductive kiss she received from her lips fell from earlobes towards to her neck, she left herself entirely in the arms of Inanna.
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    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
    EnheduannaPDF6.23 MB İndir

    Sponsorlu Kitaplar: Tamamı Ücretsiz 10 Kitap

    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
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    Sadece Allah'a Bırak - 1PDF5.10 MB İndir
    Sadece Allah'a Bırak - 2PDF5.50 MB İndir
    Sadece Allah'a Bırak - 3PDF5.80 MB İndir
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