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Moualla  The Art Of Fikret Mualla

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Emre Alkın Yayınevi: Altınbaş üniversitesi Yayınları

Moualla The Art Of Fikret Mualla

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    Today, many of his works are included in top private and public museums' collections in Turkey, such as Ankara Museum of Painting and Sculpture and Sakıp Sabancı Museum. Mualla retrospectives are run by many internationally recognized modern and contemporary art museums, especially by Istanbul Modern. The most prestigious art galleries in Turkey and in the world hold exhibitions to display Mualla paintings in particular. There are numerous books and plays written about him, many movies and documentaries telling his life story.Despite all of these, the life and art of Fikret Mualla are still ridden with myths and contradictions in the eyes of society. Maybe it is because the last word has not yet been said on the connection between his life and his art, the way how his outlook on life influenced his works, other painters who have been an inspiration to him, the novelties he brought into the art of painting and finally the life he led, a life so dramatic and so intriguing that it could almost be used as a plot for a novel. Here in this book, you will find the life story of Fikret Mualla, the relationship between his art and his life, rare and precious examples of his works, and various characteristics of his art. 
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