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The Law of Nines

Kategori: Edebiyat Yazar: Terry Goodkind Yayınevi: Nüans Kitabevi

The Law of Nines

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    ‘Your mother was twenty-seven when it came to her. Now you’re twenty-seven, and it’s come to you.’The skin of Alex’s arms tingled with goosebumps. By her twenty-seventh birthday insanity had come to his mother …Turning twenty-seven may be terrifying for some, but for Alex, a struggling artist living in the mid-western United States, it’s cataclysmic. Inheriting a huge expanse of land should have made him a rich and happy man; but something about this birthday, his name, and the beautiful woman whose life he just saved, has suddenly made him – and everyone he loves – into a target. A target for extreme and uncompromising violence…Where do you turn when your own reflection spells doom?In Alex, Terry Goodkind, the NEW YORK TIMES #1 bestselling author, brings to life a modern hero in a whole new kind of stunningly original, high-octane, page-turning thriller. 
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